I have a practice in both Stroud and Bristol (www.thepracticerooms.co.uk). I also work online. I work with a wide variety of issues and my approach is always to listen to whatever symptoms are presented to help you discover what it is within you that wants to emerge.
I find that what many people struggle with and long for is true intimate relationship. The journey in therapy is often to learn to come into relationship with oneself so that relationship with another is possible. The value of the therapeutic relationship is that it evokes the relational struggles that we suffer in our lives so that we are able to become conscious of the deeper dynamics of our suffering and essentially make different choices.
I see co-dependence as being part of the human condition and what William Blake referred to as “frustrated mystics”. To me co-dependence arises from having a poorly developed or complete lack of connection to our own personal identity. Our identity therefore is dependent on other people, substances, work etc. Co-dependency is in many ways part of the human conditions and in order to have intimate relationships we need to face the dynamics that play out both in our relationships and within ourselves.